This was a big summer for Callie! She was promoted from 8th grade, went on the trek and turned 14. It's so weird that she is getting so old. This may sound strange but ever since having Callie, I've measured time through her. It hard to believe that 14 years have passed. As I write this I cant help but think of all we've been though, overcome and learned. I'm so grateful for the Gospel, the atonement and for the sweet girl that I've been trusted raise.
A few of the things I love about Callie are:
She helps me out SO much.
She is fun.
She is sweet.
She makes me laugh.
She is good with little kids.
She always wakes herself up for school. (My mom would have liked me to do that!)
She is loyal.
I love you Callie. Thanks for being such a good girl!!!!!