Monday, January 26, 2009

Eric, Eric, ERIC!!!

Last Thursday was a crazy day for me. Right when it seemed like I couldn't do anything right, I went to take Eric out of his chair and I noticed his hands were a little dirty. Which was odd because since it was the first thing I noticed when I went to take him out, I definitely wouldn't have missed it when I put him in. Anyway, I noticed that whatever it was, was also wiped on his shirt and pants. So, I did the mom test and smelled his hand. Yuck! It was POOP! So, of course I got sick while I cleaned him up. Some how the poop seemed way worse with me knowing that Eric had eaten with poop on his hands, and when I smelled his hands they touched my lips!!!!


Aunt Tiff said...

that is so funny!! thanks for coming by're awesome!!

NICOLE said...

I am so sorry about today! Me and my forgetfulness! I am so sorry about the poop incident! How gross!haha

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Spark Family...

We thought we would pop in and see how are next door neighbors are doing...

WoW, your family is growing up right before...

Love the Picture of you all and the depth of color...

Come visit us anytime in person or on our Blog...

We'll be back to visit your Blog again....

Jack & Val Porter

Marinda said...

It is so hard cleaning things up like that when it makes you so sick. Sorry it will get funny someday or at least that is what everyone keeps telling me.