Yesterday was Brian's birthday! He ended up working ALL day, so it probably wasn't that exciting of a day for him. He told me mid-day that it was his 27th best birthday (he turned 27). He had a smile on his face when he said it, so I think he was just kidding. He probably thought of that line weeks ago and saved it for his birthday ;). I'm a year and a half older than Brian, so right now he is 27 and I'm 28. That doesn't seem too bad, but in a few short months I'll be 29 and he will still be 27. I keep trying to tell him that because I'm older, I'm also wiser, so he needs to listen to everything I say. He doesn't see eye to eye with me on that.... go figure!
Happy Birthday babe!
I am the world's WORST sister... I didnt even call my brother for his birthday! Will you still accept it late? It's better late than never right???
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