Sunday, February 28, 2010

~Another Year~

Today is our Anniversary! I cant believe that another year has already slipped by. We had big plans this year..... We were going to go to the Vally, stay the night, eat good food, and do some shopping (would have been sooo nice). But we had to postpone those plans because of a sick baby. darn
Instead I skipped church (so that I could take care of Jacob (who just got out of the hospital yesterday) and Tyler who I'm pretty sure has strep throat). Then we went and ate a yummy dinner at a friends (who was forewarned that we were all sick). (Thanks Tiff it was better than Ruth's Chris:)

So, now to by wonderful husband:

Dear Brian,
Thanks for choosing me to be your wife. Thanks for hanging in there when times got rough during those first few months. Thanks for always making me laugh, even when I'm mad at you. Thanks for doing spontaneous things with me (even when we end up spending way more money than we would have if we would have planned it out). Thanks for being a good dad. Thanks for making me so happy. Thanks for being such a good example to me. Thanks for loving me!
I love you,


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Sorry about the sick kids - not fun!

Deni said...

Happy anniversary. I had forgotten it was yesterday...sorry I didn't call. Hope you have another great year.

Aunt Tiff said...

Oh Honey...Brandon's food was not anything near Ruth's Chris!!! You will see! Glad you guys came over and that Jacob is feeling better!!! You and Brian are awesome!! Happy Anniversary!